03 diciembre 2014

School Year Motto - Lema Escolar del Año

Game: Which is English?

In the "Which Is English?" game, you will be presented with pairs of words or phrases. For each challenge, choose the answer that is most correct or most natural. Keep playing to test your language skills and get the highest score! The better you play, the harder it gets!

En el juego "Which is English?", se te presentarán parejas de palabras o frases. Para cada desafío elige la respuesta que sea más correcta o más natural. Sigue jugando para poner a prueba tu destreza con el inglés y alcanzar la máxima puntuación! Cuanto mejor juegues, más difícil será!

23 noviembre 2014

Phrasal Verbs: LOOK (1)

LOOK FOR: tratar de encontrar algo o alguien.
1. Estamos buscando piso en la ciudad.
2. Estoy buscando un vestido rojo para la boda.

LOOK UP: buscar información en una base de datos o libro de referencia.
3. Podemos buscar el número de teléfono en internet.
4. Buscad el significado de estas palabras en un diccionario.

LOOK FORWARD TO (+ing): Estar excitado por un evento futuro, desear algo.
5. ¡Tengo unas ganas de que llegue Navidad!
6. Está deseando empezar la universidad.

LOOK AFTER: Cuidar de algo o de alguien.
7. Tengo que cuidar a mi abuelita enferma.
8. ¿Me puedes cuidar a mi pez dorado (pecera) mientras estoy fuera de viaje?

Ed. Ciudadanía, 2º A ESO.

"Puede que la amistad verdadera lleve comas, pero nunca un punto y aparte."

06 noviembre 2014

Today's Idiom (2): "As different as Chalk and Cheese"

  • We use this idiom to express that two people are completely different in behaviour, manners or mentality.
  • Usamos esta expresión para expresar que dos personas son completamente distintas en comportamiento, modales o mentalidad.
  • Meaning in Spanish: "Son como la noche y el día".
  • Cheese = queso, Chalk= tiza
  • Relatives: Different like night and day, They say oil and water don't mix.

23 octubre 2014

Today's False Friends (1)

1) CARPET = Alfombra .......................................... *Carpeta = Folder
          Have you seen our new Turkish carpet? It's in the living-room.
             ¿Habéis visto nuestra nueva alfombra turca? Está en el salón.

2) LARGE = Grande ............................................... *Largo = Long
         The owl has got large eyes and can see in the dark.
             El búho tiene ojos grandes y puede ver en la oscuridad.

3) FACILITY = Instalación(es) ................................ *Facilidad = Ability

         The new sports facilities at the club are amazing!
             Las nuevas instalaciones deportivas del club son increíbles.

4) RESUME = Reanudar, retomar  ......................... *Resumen = Summary
          You'll be able to resume your normal diet after the therapy.
             Podrás retomar tu dieta normal después de la terapia.

Pharrel Williams - Happy (English + Spanish Lyrics)

21 octubre 2014

Phrasal Verbs: GET (1)

GET OVER: recuperarse de una enfermedad, operación o trauma.
1. Tuve un resfriado pero pude recuperarme.
2. Barbara necesita superar la pérdida de su padre.

GET ALONG: llevarse bien con alguien o llevar algo satisfactoriamente.
3. Pete y Kyle se llevan mucho mejor ahora.
4. ¿Cómo llevas ese trabajo de ciencias?

GET UP: despertarse y salir de la cama.
5. Todas las mañanas nos levantamos a las 7 am.
6. Todavía está durmiendo, aún no se ha levantado.

GET BY: arreglárselas, a pesar de las dificultades.
7. Su pensión no es suficiente para ir tirando/ no le da para vivir.
8. Los supervivientes tendrán que arreglárselas sin agua.

PenPal World: make penfriends all around the world

Are you interested in getting in touch with people from other countries? Do you fancy meeting new teenagers and learn about their culture, hobbies or habits? Would you like to practice your written English in an original productive way?
¿Estás interesado en ponerte en contacto con personas de otros países? ¿Te imaginas conocer a chicos nuevos y aprender acerca de su cultura, aficiones o costumbres? ¿Te gustaría practicar tu inglés escrito de forma original y productiva?

Well, then this is the place for you! By registering, you will have access to hundreds of teenagers like you willing to contact new people via e-mail in a secure easy way. Besides, it is a perfect situation to use of your English skills in a realistic communicative frame.
¡Pues entonces este es el sitio para ti! Al registrarte, tendrás acceso a cientos de adolescentes como tú deseando contactar con gente nueva mediante e-mails de forma fácil y segura. Además, te da la situación perfecta para que uses tu destreza con el inglés dentro de un  marco comunicativo realista.

Feel free to visit the web and have a try. Enjoy.
No dudes en visitar la web y pruébalo. Que lo disfrutes.

17 octubre 2014

Today's Idiom (1) : "Cool Your Jets!"

  • We use this expression when trying to calm down someone that is angry, furious, nervous, frantic or overexcited.
  • Usamos esta expresión cuando tratamos de calmar a alguien que está enfadado, furioso, nervioso, frenético o sobreexcitado.
  • Meaning in Spanish: "Mantén la calma", "Cálmate", "Relájate".
  • Cool = enfriar, Jet = avión a reacción (reactor)
  • Relatives: Calm down! Relax! Get a grip! Take it easy! Hold your horses! Chill out!

01 octubre 2014


How many words can you make? Have a try and beat your own score! Enjoy.
¿Cuántas palabras puedes crear? ¡Pruébalo y supera tu propia marca! Que lo disfrutes.

19 septiembre 2014

Academic Year 2014-15

Student: another year full of challenges, knowledge and glory awaits!  It's time to get to work and prove yourself that, with dedication and endeavour, there is no goal you may not achieve. New subjects, new teachers, new classroom, new books, new classmates... new frontiers. Do your best and get ready to launch your intellect to a higher level! Best of lucks.

Estudiante: te aguarda otro año lleno de desafíos, conocimiento y.... gloria! Ha llegado el momento de ponerse a trabajar y de demostrarte a ti mismo que, con dedicación y esfuerzo, no hay meta que no puedas alcanzar. Nuevas asignaturas, nuevos profesores, nueva clase, nuevos libros, nuevos compañeros... nuevas fronteras. Da lo mejor de ti mismo y prepárate para lanzar tu intelecto a un nivel superior! Que tengáis mucha suerte.

17 junio 2014

Excerpt from interview with GT racing driver, Bjorn Wirdheim, by Pablo Alonso Pereira (4º A ESO)

***  Excerpt from Interview with Bjorn Wirdheim (fiction) ***

Question: Hello Bjorn, P2 in the drivers' standings. Firstly, tell us about your team.

Bjorn Wirdheim: The atmosphere is fantastic and everybody in the team is working very hard. Our main goal this season is to fight for the title, and at the moment, we are in the fight.

Question: We have seen the car struggling in many races, and now you are a bit off the pace. Do you think the next races will be a turning point?

BW: For sure!!! The team has found our problems and we have tested the new package and it is working very well. But the leaders are getting a bit far ahead... However, although I haven´t won a race this year, I have been on the podium in every race.

Question: What about the next round? Racing at Sugo should be an amazing feeling. And you've told them that you´re very encouraged with this one.

BW: Absolutely. I´m looking forward to racing there and win. It's gonna be difficult, but I won't give up, I have a great team pushing behind me. More than 50% of the wins are due to the pitwall staff and the engineers' outstanding job.

16 junio 2014

DUALBOOKS: Libros bilingües... GRATIS!

DualBooks, libros bilingües, es una colección de grandes obras de la literatura universal en versión bilingüe español/inglés. (click en imagen para ir a web)

En estos “libros duales” el texto viene en una página en español y en la otra en inglés, con párrafos coincidentes para aprender idiomas de una forma divertida y muy cómoda.

Disfruta del inglés, de la literatura y olvídate del diccionario!
DualBooks ofrece tanto la versión papel, en servicio de compra online y entrega a domicilio, como la nueva y sorprendente aplicación móvil.

Ya puedes descargarte de forma gratuita la APP DualBooks, libros bilingües para Android (Google) e iOS (Apple). La APP contiene todos los libros editados en formato dual por nuestra editorial e incluye los audiolibros en inglés sincronizados con el texto.

¿A qué estás esperando? Prueba la aplicación YA y comienza a practicar tus reading skills y vocabulario de forma rápida y entretenida con algunos de los clásicos disponibles.

10 junio 2014

The 15 World's Deadliest Animals

What would you say is the most dangerous animal on Earth? Sharks? Snakes? Humans?... Of course the answer depends on how you define dangerous.
I encountered this amazing chart while surfing the net and I was shocked to see the information given. The death toll from mosquito bites is 725,000 in a year, whereas sharks kill an average of 10 people per year.

In my case, sharks have been giving me the creeps since I first saw Spielberg's killing white shark movie, Jaws. But if you’re judging by how many people are killed by an animal every year, then the answer isn’t any of the above. Forget about the shark, the hippopotamus, the snake, the wolf, the lion, the elephant or the crocodile. The right answer is... the mosquito! When it comes to killing humans, no other animal even comes close.

The number of mosquito-caused deaths really is a mind-blowing fact. Other than humans killing humans during periods of war (without relevant wars it remains at about 475,000 casualties per year), the mosquito usually wins. The reason? Mosquitoes carry terrible diseases, including malaria (which kills more than 600,000 people every year) or the dengue fever virus.

It is also interesting to see that, apart from the disgraceful human-killing-human factor on the second place, the snake rises on the third position with around 50,000 deaths. This is something I was expecting rather than the dog being the fourth most killing. The reason? Dogs spread and inflict the deadly disease of rabies, which kills around 25,000 people around the globe. After the dog comes strange insects and bugs such as the tse-tse fly, the assassin beetle or the water snail, all of them spreading human killing diseases as well. After them, two disgusting worm species and finally the big ones, known by everyone (crocodiles, hippos,etc.)

Check out the chart above for further details and... you know, beware the mosquito. It can be deadly!

15 mayo 2014

Adolfo Suárez: Spanish First President of Democracy, by Cristian Moya Orts (2º C ESO)

Adolfo Suárez, the first President of democracy in Spain, was born in Cebreros (Ávila) on 25th of September 1932 and died on 23rd of March 2014 in Madrid, at the age of 81. Although away from public life since 2003 due to dementia and neurological illness, Suárez will always be remembered as one of the greatest architects of the Spanish Transition. However, he went down in history as the first elected president in Spain after 40 years of dictatorship.

Adolfo Suárez graduated in law in the University of Salamanca. After holding various positions within the structures of the Franco regime, Suárez was appointed civil governor of Segovia in 1968. A year later, in 1969, he was appointed Managing director of Spanish Radio Television (TVE), a position he held until 1973.

In April 1975 he was appointed deputy secretary general of “El Movimiento” and on 11th of December 1975 he was part of the first government of Arias Navarro, formed right after the death of Franco, as Minister Secretary General. However, this new conservative government, for many an extension of the recent ruling dictatorship, lacked sufficient support from the people and failed to undertake the reform process that the country needed. As a result, Arias Navarro resigned just after a few months as president (July 1976) and Adolfo Suárez was instructed Cabinet. During the next months, Suárez struggled to establish a democratic regime and organized meetings with the main political parties and leaders. The reform was passed by the General Courts and accepted by the Spanish population (after a referendum), who was willing to move towards democracy. In the end, on 15th of July 1977, the first elections took place in Spain after more than 40 years, since the outbreak of the Civil War (1936).

Suárez won the elections and became the first democratic president. Virtually unknown to most Spaniards, his appointment on July 3rd 1976 as elected president raised controversy and criticism. For conservatives, too young and inexperienced; for the opposition, too linked to the previous regime.

Finally, on January 29th 1981, Adolfo Suárez resigned, nearly five years after being appointed Prime Minister by the King. That same year, the king granted him the title of Duke of Suárez for his role in the transition.

The future remains unwritten, for it is only the People who can write it. 
Adolfo Suárez

08 mayo 2014

Ready, steady... Cambridge Exams 2014!

Mañana día 9 de Mayo comienzan los Exámenes Cambridge 2014, para los cuales hemos presentado a un total de 87 alumnos del centro en nuestro primer año como Preparation Centre. Les deseamos a todos nuestros alumnos candidatos la mejor de las suertes y os dejamos esta tabla a modo de resumen/recordatorio con los datos más básicos referentes a los exámenes. Recordad que las notas saldrán oficialmente el día 7 de Julio accediendo a esta dirección (ir a web) e insertando los códigos personales que os entregamos. Los certificados no estarán disponibles hasta después de verano.

Good luck and do your best!

Cambridge Exam
FCE – First Certificate (B2)
9 May
10 am - 11:15 am
Colegio La Inmaculada
10 May
9 am - 1 pm
EYL - Starters
16 May
4 pm - 5:55 pm
Colegio La Inmaculada
EYL - Movers
16 May
4 pm - 5:55 pm
Colegio La Inmaculada
EYL - Flyers
16 May
4:15pm - 6:25pm
Colegio La Inmaculada
PET International (B1)
17 May
9:15am - 1:10pm
San Juan Bosco - Salesianos
KET for Schools (A2)
24 May
9:15am - 2:10pm
Colegio La Inmaculada
PET for Schools (B1)
24 May
9:15pm - 2:50pm
Colegio La Inmaculada


07 mayo 2014

Film review: "Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back", by Ignacio López Huertas (2º C ESO)

Introduction: I watched ‘Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back’ on DVD last week with my uncle and my little cousin. The film, released in 1980, is an amazing science-fiction movie from the famous director George Lucas, starring Mark Hamill, who plays Luke Skywalker, Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia and my favourite, Harrison Ford, also known as Han Solo. It takes place a long time ago in a remote galaxy.

Plot: the film starts in the frozen planet Hoth where the Rebels, one of whose commanders is Luke Skywalker, have built a secret base to hide themselves from the Empire. The Imperial Fleet have found it and they prepare an attack to destroy the Rebel base. There is an epic battle but, even though the Rebels lose, our three heroes get to escape to Bespin, the gas planet where Leia and Han are taken prisoners by the Empire and Luke has to fight his unknown-to-him father, Darth Vader. During the fight his father maims his hand and Luke falls down an air shaft but, luckily enough his friends are there to rescue him.
Verdict: I really enjoyed the film because, on top of the actors being great, the battles and the special effects were even better thanks to the beautiful graphics and scenery. It is truly a great film, a masterpiece. Not to mention the incredible soundtrack composed by John Williams. In fact, the movie won 2 Oscar Awards and, for many, it is considered the best episode in the Star Wars saga.

21 abril 2014

Talleres Ex. Cambridge KET, PET, FCE.

Con motivo de la celebración de los exámenes Cambridge en nuestro colegio, se ofrecen unos talleres específicos de evaluación, formación y orientación para aquellos alumnos del centro que requieran o consideren oportuno profundizar en su preparación con vistas a estos exámenes.
Estos talleres han sido diseñados en colaboración con la academia de inglés London’s Time (Cartagena), que aportará tanto el material como el profesorado nativo experimentado. Los grupos se formarán en base al examen de Cambridge o nivel elegido y prepararán a conciencia al alumnado para la realización de los distintos bloques de los que consta todo examen de Cambridge (listening, speaking, grammar, vocabulary and writing).

Taller I: guía para la realización pruebas escritas (reading y writing)
28 Abril
De 16:00 a 18:00h, y de 12:30 a 13:30 solo YLE 
Taller II: guía para la realización pruebas orales (listening y speaking)
5 Mayo
De 16:00 a 18:00h, y de 12:30 a 13:30 solo YLE

Abierto a todos los alumnos interesados, matriculados o no. Comunicación de resultados únicamente  al centro. Para más información, consulten con los profesores de inglés.

14 abril 2014

Guns N' Roses, by Alejandra Ros Iñiguez (2º A ESO)

Guns N 'Roses is an American hard rock band formed in Hollywood, Los Angeles (California) in 1985. The band has sold over 120 million albums worldwide, including over 55.5 million albums in the United States. Its members are Axl Rose (vocals), Slash (lead guitar), Izzy Stradlin (rhythm guitar), Duff McKagan (bass) and Steven Adler (drums). They have released 6 studio albums and among his best known songs are: Sweet Child of Mine, November Rain, Welcome to the Jungle, Paradise City, Estranged, Don’t Cry, Civil War, Night Train, Rocket Queen and Knockin’ on Heaven's Door.

After their first album, they became very famous and won a lot of awards like the American Music Awards, Grammy Awards, MTV Video Music Awards and World Music Awards. Today they are considered one of the most important bands in the history of rock music. In fact, they entered the Rock Hall of Fame in 2012.

Their most important and successful albums were Appetite for Destruction (1987), which sold around 30 million copies, and their amazing double album Use Your Illusion I and II (1991), which sold 17 and 18 million copies each.
In 1992 Guns N' Roses gave their most crowded live concert ever in Bogota (Colombia), with over 50,000 people. At that time they were real rock idols. However, Axl Rose wanted to do the band commercial and Slash didn’t like the idea so they started having strong arguments. Their disagreement was the end of Guns N’ Roses. Most members left the band leaving Axl Rose alone. Slash and other members (Duff McKagan and Matt Sorum) would form a new band called Velvet Revolver, but they never were as successful and popular as Guns N’ Roses.

My favourite Guns N' Roses song is Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door because I listened it for the first time when I was 3 years and basically I grew up listening to that song. Every song touches a nerve and I just love their music.

10 abril 2014

Living in Doha (Qatar), by Lydia López Ruiz

You never know what the future may hold but, for me and my family, living in Doha has been a really exciting, awesome and unique experience so far.

As you know, Doha is the capital city of Qatar, a country in the Arabian Peninsula, mostly surrounded by the Persian Gulf. For a long time Qatar´s economy was based on fishing, pearl diving and camel breeding until the discovery of oil and gas in the twentieth century. Nowadays Qatar has the world’s third largest natural gas reserves and has become the world´s richest country per capita. So imagine the standard of living in Doha. Here you can see the best cars in the world: Porsche, Ferrari, Maserati, Rolls Royce, Breitling…only to mention a few of them. Young people like to drive these cars very fast. However, this is becoming very dangerous as it is causing a lot of  road accidents.

Spaniards living in Doha say there is not much to do here, but I don´t really think so. Doha hosts the best cultural events and is also the home for the most recognisable sports world championships. Qatar Motorcycle Grand Prix , for example, is held here every year.

Although almost every ancient construction has been demolished, there are still some old forts and ruins you can visit, as well as a series of world-class museums that house some of the world’s finest art collections: the Museum of Islamic Art, the Mathaf and the Qatar National Museum, which have been designed by worldwide famous architects. Moreover, if you want to go shopping, Qatar’s traditional local markets, known as souqs, are fantastic, particularly Souq Waqif. Bargaining is essential when you buy there.
 The Pearl is a very quiet place to live in.  It´s the only place in Doha where you can have a walk and be outdoors. But if you want to have a fascinating experience, you should take a desert safari that will let you admire the beautiful landscape of sand dunes where the Inland Sea meets the desert. An amazing sight not to miss!

But there is no doubt that the most impressive thing that you see when you arrive in Doha is its skyline, West Bay; even more if you arrive at night. This is a symbol of identity. It seems you are in an American city. In fact, almost everything in Doha is made in the American way. You have the best malls, restaurants, hotels, shops, jeweller´s, cars, everything in a large scale.

In spite of some disadvantages like the extreme heat and the traffic jams, I consider Doha has more positive than negative things and for me it is being a really constructive experience: my daughter has to speak English all the time, she has friends from Qatar and many other countries around the world, which has allowed her to know other ways of thinking. I have had the opportunity of learning some Arabic (only a little spoken Arabic) and of meeting people from different nationalities. I have made new friends as well, some of them very good friends. And the best of all is that all the family have been together. This is essential, it is the most important thing.

See you  soon!

20 marzo 2014

Union Jack: the British Flag

The Union Flag, popularly known as the Union Jack, is the national flag of the United Kingdom. Therefore it is the official British flag for a kingdom formed by four different countries: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
It is called the Union Flag because it symbolises the administrative union of these four countries under the same sovereign. The flag is the sum and combination of the individual flags of three of the Kingdom's countries. The flags that were combined to create The Union Jack were:

- England: represented by the heraldic cross of St. George. This flag, a red cross on a white ground, was introduced by king Richard I in 1194. It is still the flag of England as a single country.

- Scotland: represented by the heraldic cross of St. Andrew, a diagonal white cross on a blue field. In 1603, King James VI of Scotland inherited the English throne after Queen Elizabeth's death, becoming the new King of England as well (James I). In other words, he was the King of two rival kingdoms. But only a year later, James I combined both his thrones into a united kingdom of "Great Britain". In 1606, after hard political disputes, the new flag was created by unifying the English and Scottish flags in the so called "first Union flag".

-Ireland: represented by the heraldic cross of St. Patrick, a diagonal red cross on a white ground. In 1801 Ireland joined the United Kigndom and the creation of a new flag was necessary. It was then that the present British flag was designed. 

* Wales is the fourth country in the United Kingdom, but since it is a Principality, not a kingdom, it could not be included on the flag. Its flag is represented by a red dragon on a green and white field.

And finally, Ireland. Here is its flag. Since 1921, only Northern Ireland has been part of the United Kingdom. The rest of the island belongs to the Republic of Ireland, an independent country with a completely different flag (green, white and orange). Remember that the two Irelands are different countries and historically bitter rivals.