02 noviembre 2015

Halloween Special! Scary Story: The Three Wishes

The elderly man (anciano) opened his eyes to discover that he was standing alone on a dark place. He was lost and confused, not sure of which direction to go. He also couldn’t remember who he was. The tears (lágrimas) in his eyes made him understand that he had been just crying and had a recent feeling of extreme sadness…

He sat down for a moment to rest his tired legs and wiped (secó) his tears when, suddenly, he noticed someone standing in front of him. He looked up to see an elderly woman staring (mirar fijamente) right at his eyes. Her skin was wrinkled (arrugada) and grey and her nose was crooked (retorcida). Warts (verrugas) covered her hairy chin. She smiled toothlessly (sin dientes) and said with a broken voice, “Now your third wish.”

“Third wish?” The man was baffled (desconcertado). “What do you mean with a third wish? I haven’t had a first or second!”

“You have had two wishes already,” the old witch said, “but your second wish was for me to undo (deshacer) your first and leave everything the way it was before. That’s why you remember nothing.” She giggled (risita) at the poor man. “So think carefully, old man, you only have one wish left. Do not waste (malgastar) it!”

“All right,” he said hesitantly (con dudas), “I don’t quite believe this, but… why not trying?” He  paused for a few seconds, concentrated on his own thoughts, and finally said: “My third wish is: I want to know who I am.”

“Fine. Wish granted! (concedido)” said the dreadful (horrible) witch as she touched the man’s forehead, making a magical sound. The wretched (despreciable) woman started walking away, but suddenly turned round and said “By the way, it is truly funny…”

“What’s so funny?” asked the puzzled (perplejo) old man.

“That was exactly the same as your first wish…”, the witch replied, just as she disappeared forever in the dark.

*Different interpretations of the story. In your opinion, which one is the best?
a)    The man is dead, a ghost.
b)    The man is trapped (atrapado) there forever.
c)    The man’s family are dead.

English Jokes: the Loch Ness monster's diet, by Ignacio López Huertas (4º C ESO)

Fish and Chips = traditional British meal (fast food)

19 octubre 2015

Today's idioms: the bush, the worm and the cloud.


1) BEATING AROUND THE BUSH = Andarse por las ramas
*Beat = golpear        *Bush = arbusto
Let's stop beating around the bush and discuss the problem.

2) THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM = A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda
*Early = temprano (madrugador)     *Worm = gusano
I arrived at the office at 7:30 am. You know, the early bird gets the worm.

3) ON CLOUD NINE = Estar flotando en una nube, muy feliz
*Cloud = nube
I'm on cloud nine when I'm with her.

Game: Find the Differences!

12 octubre 2015

Phrasal Verbs: PUT (1)

PUT ON: ponerse ropa.
1. Con los uniformes escolares, uno no tiene que decidir qué ponerse.
2. ¿Qué vestido te vas a poner esta noche?

PUT UP: aumentar o subir el precio de algo.
3. El gobierno volverá a subir los impuestos el año que viene.
4. No dejan de subir el precio de la gasolina.

PUT UP WITH (someone/something): tolerar una situación o persona desagradable.
5. Simplemente no tolero la injusticia.
6. ¡No pienso tolerar tus malos modales!

PUT OFF: posponer un evento.
7. La final de Wimbledom fue pospuesta debido a las fuertes lluvias.
8. Se pospuso la Gira Mundial de Metallica en España hasta el año próximo.

30 septiembre 2015

English Jokes: the bear and the deer

Bear = Oso          Unbearable = insoportable
Deer = ciervo        Oh, dear! = ¡válgame Dios! ¡madre mía!

29 septiembre 2015

Best wishes for the new academic year!

All the best for another exciting school year! Remember that PRACTICE AND DEDICATION IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS! Here you have 7 tips for a successful academic year:

1. Attend classes (asistir a clase), pay attention and understand the lessons and your teachers.
2. Take notes and do your homework.
3. Set yourself (imponerse) study habits: same room, specific time, no interrumptions.
4. Ask for help (pide ayuda) if necessary, but always try to finish your homework.
5. Have comforting sleep, at least 9 hours. Body and mind must be fully rested (totalmente descansadas) in order to perform efficiently (para rendir eficientemente) in class.
6. Revise your notes and lesson weekly. Don't leave all the revision for the night before the exam.
7. Avoid trouble (evita problemas) and be nice to teachers and classmates. You need to be in good terms with (llevarte bien con) the people around you at school.

I hope it may help! Good luck and do your best at school!

09 junio 2015


In this original Game you are a brave knight in search for adventure. In your missions, you'll encounter loathsome, evil creatures that will try to ruin your heroic quest. You must endure and try to save the kidnapped princess!

In order to annihilate these monsters, you'll have to make up words out of the letters given in order to make powerful attacks. The longer the word, the more powerful the attack will be! But you'd better hurry to make up the word, as time will be runnning down really quickly.

Have a go on this amusing game and train up your vocabulary skills. Enjoy!

01 junio 2015

"My Women's Football Team: Santa Ana (EFSAC)" by María Ruiz Arencibia (1º A Bach)

Hi! My name is Maria and I´m an amateur footballer in my free time. My team is called Santa Ana football team (EFSAC) and I play as a defender. This is the first year that there is a women's team and we always have a good time when we are playing. We are learning a lot! 

Last week we played a championship in “Ciudad Jardin" . There were five more teams. First, we played against the hosts of the Championship. We thought that it would be very difficult to win because they are in an upper level in our league. Neverthless, we were better and won 3-0. We were very happy and motivated. And as there are not so many teams, we were already in the semifinals! Then we played against a team that had played two matches previously and we won 3-1 in a magnificent game. We were hopefully in the final. 

We coudn’t explain how happy we were. I remember that the coach told us: “Finals are not played but won and we mustn’t be afraid because we are good enough to win”. I think that they were the best words that he could tell us. We trusted ownselves and hopefully we won. In fact, we won the final 5-1. We played the match of our lives because we all played very well. Maybe the championship is a nonsense for many people but we were as happy as if we had won the UEFA Champions League. We coudn’t believe it!

We are in the fourth position in the league and it is not bad because it is our first year and there are teams that have been playing for many years. We are a group of friends who met together to form the team. Our coach is the father of one of us but the training is really hard. The most important thing in the team is that we are all friends and we enjoy the training sessions and the matches.

31 mayo 2015

Abierto plazo de inscripción para Extraescolares Inglés curso 2015-16

Un año más, el colegio apuesta por una enseñanza bilingüe y apuesta con fuerza por un impulso del aprendizaje del Inglés entre nuestros alumnos para el próximo curso académico 2015-16. Por ello, y tras el éxito de éste primer año, relanzamos nuestras Extraescolares de Inglés destinadas a aquellos niños que cursen 3º Ed. Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria.
En colaboración con London's Time Idiomas, los inscritos disfrutarán de clases reducidas con profesores nativos y cualificados que los prepararán para aquel examen de Cambridge que más se adapte a su nivel. ¡Y todo a un precio especial y muy competitivo!
Para obtener más información y para descargar la hoja de inscripción (ya repartidas en el cole) pinchen los iconos correspondientes o hablen con el equipo de dirección o con los profesores del Departamento de Inglés.



26 mayo 2015

Campamento de Verano en Inglés, Subvencionados Región de Murcia (4º ESO)

Resolución de 13 de mayo de 2015, de la Directora General de Calidad Educativa, Innovación y Atención a la Diversidad, por la que se convocan 240 plazas para realizar cursos de Inmersión Lingüística a través de Campamentos de Verano en Inglés en la Región de Murcia para Alumnos de 4º de la ESO de centros sostenidos con fondos públicos (nuestro centro lo es a excepción del Bachiller). 

Plazo presentación de solicitudes: Del 15 al 29 de mayo de 2015, ambos inclusive.
Fuente: TABLÓN 14/05/2015

Turno 1: dos semanas entre el 28/06/2015 y el 19/07/2015.
Turno 2: dos semanas entre el 12/07/2015 y el 02/08/2015.

"Social Networks: Pros and Cons" by Ana de la Gándara González (1º A Bach)

Nowadays, in the 21st century, the great technological advances provide us with lots of facilities in many areas, as for example in communication. Thanks to technology, there are numerous social networks and software programs that allow us to communicate with other people who are at the other end of the country or even on the opposite side of the world. Such thing was unthinkable a couple of decades ago.
I can name a lot of these programs and applications, like Skype, Tango or Facetime (for those who have an iphone) but in addition to these, there are many social networks on the internet that allow us to communicate through messages and photos, such as Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram, or Snapchat
There are many advantages on these networks as they allow us to communicate with other people on the net, without having to pay any telephone bills, only the price of the internet. But also, there are a number of problems involved with the use of these so called social networks. The main one is bullying, that is to say, the ability to psychologically attack someone via internet without any physical contact. Cyberbullying is a very common problem in adolescents, because today any of them has a mobile phone to have access to these networks and can harass or laugh at someone with the only objective of humiliating him or her. There have been numerous campaigns to fight bullying, presented in schools in order to educate the children on the psychological problems that it may cause. For example in 2010, Cartoon Network organized a campaign against bullying in the United States, with the name of "Enough about bullying, don't stay quiet".
In recent years several movies have been filmed with the same educational purpose. They show how bullying develops, often by mocking at the way someone dresses or talks, the person's musical likes or their economical difficulties. One example of these films is "Cyberbully" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk_YSO0py7s) starring Emily Osment, which is about a girl, Taylor, who creates a profile on a social network and begins to suffer harassment on the net after her little brother got into her account and made a false publication.  

To prevent all these crimal behaviours, police officers give talks about bullying in scools in order to educate children about the impact of cyberbullying and its legal consequences, since many teenagers believe that they can write and say anything on the net, when it is not the case.

In conclusion, I want to remark that new technologies make our social lives easier but also bring lots of inconvenience if you aren't careful and responsible enough, especially among teenagers.

21 abril 2015

Save Our World!

Cursos de Inglés en Irlanda! Oferta para alumnos del cole

EL PROGRAMA de 3 semanas de duración (Julio o Agosto) incluye:
  • disposición exclusiva de la coordinadora.
  • 20 lecciones de inglés semanales.
  • pensión completa en familia irlandesa.
  • una excursión a la semana (día completo).
  • tardes y noches con actividades culturales y sociales.
  • deportes todas las tardes.
  • sesión de disco supervisada una vez a la semana.
  • deportes todas las tardes.
  • bonobús para usar en la ciudad o en las rutas suburbanas.
  • diploma al final de curso.
  • recogida y llevada al aeropuerto.

Para MÁS INFORMACIÓN, consultar con los profesores de inglés. Disponemos de folletos y precios en colaboración con esta experimentada empresa (Tu Inglés En Irlanda) dedicada exclusivamente a cursos de inmersión lingüística en este país.

Descuento del 10% sobre el precio original aplicable a las familias con alumnos en el centro.

06 febrero 2015

"PRETORIANOS, Cartagena's American Football Team" by Nacho Lorca (1º A Bachiller)

Let me introduce you all to Cartagena Pretorianos C.F.A. We’ve been Cartagena´s football team (American football, not soccer) since 2011. At the moment we have two teams of flag football and only one category of tackle football. Tackle football is like the NFL, the American football that you can see on TV. However, flag football is another kind of football, it’s like tackle but without physical contact. Instead of tackling an apponent, you have to take the flag from him. At present we have two flag football teams: a female team and a senior team. Now I am playing in the senior team of flag fotball, but hopefully next year I will play in the senior team of tackle football. In tackle football we only have a senior team and this year we are doing an awesome season. In fact now we are third in our conference league (East- Conference) but next sunday at 12:00 am in “La Asomada” (our field is there) we are playing against Cehegín Wolves and we can reach the first position. My intention next year is to recruit people in order to create a junior tackle football team. If someone is interested in joining us you can tell me, everybody is welcome!!
Tackle football comes from rugby. A football field is 120 yards long and 50 yards wide (1 yard = 0.9144 metres). The playing field is divided in lines separated by 5 yards. On both ends you have the touchdown area (10 metres long each) and the goals. The game consists in arriving at the rival’s end zone. Your team scores a touchdown when a player steps on that area holding the ball. You have four chances (“downs”) to advance 10 yards. If you don´t make it, you lose the possesion and your team start to defend. On the contrary, if you advance these 10 yards, you start another attack round with the same objective. It´s very easy!!

Footballers can play in different positions, like in any other team sport: Wide Receiver (the fastest players of the team, the ones who receive the pass), Quarterback (the leader of the team, the one who structures the plays and throws the passes), Guards and Tackles (the biggest and stronger players who stay near the QB), Full Backs, Corner Backs, Safeties, Line Backers… Each position requires specific physical and tactical conditions.
Well, I hope you like this short review about this awesome sport. And remember to contact me if you are interested and want to give it a try. We would be delighted to see you around!!

20 enero 2015

Se abre Plazo de Matrícula Exámenes Cambridge 2015 (EP, ESO y Bach)

Como ya es habitual en nuestro centro, ofrecemos a nuestros alumnos la posibilidad de realizar en el cole los exámenes Cambridge en cualquiera de sus niveles English Young Learners (Starters, Movers y Flyers) y For schools (KET, PET y FCE).

Las fechas y tasas propuestas para este año son las siguientes: 

7 - 12 años
2º, 3º y 4º EP
54,59 €
15 Mayo
3º, 4º y 5º EP
56,75 €
5º y 6º EP
58,97 €
A partir de 12 años
KET for Schools
(Key English Test)
1º, 2º y 3º ESO
84,46 €
13 Junio
PET for Schools
(Preliminary English Test)
3º y 4º ESO,
1º y 2º BACH
89,41 €
FCE (First Certificate)
for Schools
1º y 2º BACH
166,09 €

Para más información, descargar el documento en el link de abajo o consultar al centro.

19 enero 2015

Talleres para Ex. Cambridge 2015: KET, PET, FCE.

Un año más, hemos diseñado unos talleres en colaboración con la academia London’s Time con la finalidad de orientar y facilitar a los alumnos de nuestro centro la realización de estos exámenes. Proponemos los siguientes:

Taller de Pruebas de Nivel  KET, PET, FIRST.
Lunes 16 Febrero
De 16:00 a 18:00h, en aulas del centro
Realización de prueba de examen escrito y Listening y comunicación al centro a fin de orientar a los alumnos en el nivel a elegir. Inscripción mínima: 5 alumnos por grupo.

Taller para las Pruebas Escritas KET, PET, FIRST.
Lunes 23
De 16:00 a 18:00h, en aulas del centro
Guía y realización de pruebas escritas (Reading y Writing) siguiendo formatos originales de examen para los alumnos matriculados. Inscripción mínima: 5 alumnos por grupo.

Taller para las Pruebas Orales KET, PET, FIRST.
Lunes 20
De 16:00 a 18:00h, en aulas del centro
Guía y realización de pruebas orales (Listening y Speaking) siguiendo formatos originales de examen para los alumnos matriculados. Inscripción mínima: 5 alumnos por grupo.

Taller de Orientación KET, PET, FIRST. Corrección de errores.
Lunes 18
De 16:00 a 18:00h, en aulas del centro
Corrección de errores (tras los talleres 2 y 3), técnicas de realización y recomendaciones para la realización pruebas. Inscripción mínima: 5 alumnos por grupo.

Para más información, descargar el documento en el link de abajo o consultar al centro.