Let me introduce
you all to Cartagena Pretorianos C.F.A. We’ve been Cartagena´s football
team (American football, not soccer) since 2011. At the moment we have two
teams of flag football and only one category of tackle football. Tackle
football is like the NFL, the American football that you can see on TV.
However, flag football is another kind of football, it’s like tackle but
without physical contact. Instead of tackling an apponent, you have to take the
flag from him. At present we have two flag football teams: a female team
and a senior team. Now I am playing in the senior team of flag fotball, but hopefully
next year I will play in the senior team of tackle football. In tackle football
we only have a senior team and this year we are doing an awesome season. In
fact now we are third in our conference league (East- Conference) but next
sunday at 12:00 am in “La Asomada” (our field is there) we are playing against Cehegín
Wolves and we can reach the first position. My intention next year is
to recruit people in order to create a junior tackle football team. If someone
is interested in joining us you can tell me, everybody is welcome!!

Well, I hope you like this short review about this
awesome sport. And remember to contact me if you are interested and want to
give it a try. We would be delighted to see you around!!
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